“The spirit of self-sacrifice to support others”. Chlorella is at the beginning of the food chain and supports many lives. As a pioneer in chlorella research, we collaborate with research institutes in the world to expand the fields to which chlorella can be applied, and we pursue their possibilities while hoping that chlorella, referred to as “the source of life on the earth”, will become more beneficial to human health.

Abundant water supply and climate that is suitable for chlorella culture. All products are manufactured under an integrated system in the Kyushu Chikugo factory that is equipped with the ideal environmental condition.
Apart from the health foods and medical fields, chlorella plays an important role in the primary sector such as agriculture or the fisheries industry.
MoreHigh technology is required to stably produce high-quality chlorella containing a wealth of nutrients by mass-culture. The nutrient contents change depending on the method of culture, even if the same chlorella strain is used. Because of our knowledge derived from research over 50 years, and through continual technological innovation, cell sizes and the contained levels of various nutrients can be controlled in Chlorella Industry Co., Ltd now. We are the only manufacture of chlorella that has a factory dedicated to chlorella production that allows the entire process from culture to commercialization to take place domestically. Our high-quality chlorella made from our original CHIKUGO (CK-5) strain through extensive R&D is well known and approved globally as “CHIKUGO MADE”, as it is produced in the Chikugo district of Fukuoka prefecture
Through cycles of field work and extensive research over many years, we finally obtained the “CHIKUGO (CK-5) strain”, that is the one-and-only, best-in-class chlorella that is original to our company. The CHIKUGO (CK-5) strain is high in nutritional value and secretes a wealth of polysaccharides, but it is more delicate in comparison with other more general chlorella strains. There were many challenges that needed to be overcome to successfully mass-culture the CHIKUGO (CK-5) strain. Apart from the discovery of the CHIKUGO (CK-5) strain, we pride in succeeding in the process of mass-culture by overcoming such challenges by gathering the techniques of many different research scientists. This is a huge step that will go down in history of chlorella research.