
Chlorella is a spherical or oval-shaped, single-celled green algae that is about 3 to 8 μm in diameter, and is said to have appeared on the earth approximately 2 billion years ago. It was at the origin of the food chain, and is a living organism that is also described as the “source of life”. It contains various nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in large and well-balanced amounts.

  • What is chlorella?

    Chlorella is the source of plants on the earth that contains both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

  • Unique to Chikugo strain

    The unique and original chlorella “Chikugo (CK-5) strain” discovered and successfully cultured by Chlorella Industry Co., Ltd.


Possibility of Chlorella

To match the needs of the world today, R&D and its applications have widened,
and we are working on R&D continuously.
